Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cowboy-First Draft

This is a story about a drunk cowboy, so good times! At this point I feel I should cement my planned update schedule I intend to update this blog Tuesdays and Fridays with about 6000 words worth of some kind of creative writing exercise a week. I have two main projects in mind, and will post the first chapter of one of them this coming Friday.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Take the Long Way Home-First Draft

There is a long story behind this tale centered around my disappointment in Silent Hill: Homecoming.  Its about an older brother returning home to see his younger brother, this is kind of a rough draft as I think it could read better then it does but I still like it.

The Last Enemy-First Draft

The above link is to the first story I have decided to post, its called the last enemy its about the last man on earth as he lies dying, its also pretty heavy handed in its message so good times.

First Post.

I find it questionable on whether or not any one will read this and this is more for self gratification then anything else, that being said I am going to be posting some of my writings up on this blog. Hopefully this will be a weekly thing were I post a chapter from one of my various novel projects or one of my short stories.
Jake White
A story teller.