Friday, September 27, 2013

I was working on this instead.
This is what I have been working on instead of the blog, will try and get back to writing soon.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Early Update- The 10th Hour
Going camping this week, and I didn't want to not update the blog because I already missed 3 updates in recent memory. That being said I didn't write anything new so I had to go into the archives. This is the 10th hour a script for a comic book I wrote when I was in 10th grade. It is annotated because at the time I thought a friend of mine was going to illustrate it and he didn't and the whole thing never went anywhere. Though I will say I am kinda happy I am posting it because I now have motivation to go back and edit it in the near future.

Jake White,
A Story Teller.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Batman Vs. Baleman

So I am going to preface this by saying that I do not dislike the Chris Nolan Batman Trilogy as a movie fan because they are entertaining movies to watch. However as a Batman fan I dislike this movies because of how badly they screwed up the origin and by extension the character in the films.
Now I know what your thinking or at the very least I can take an educated guess. "What do you mean they screwed up the origin story? Young boy goes to a show with his parents, mugger shows up blam blam parents dead young boy swears vengeance grows up and dresses like a bat. What could be screwed up there?" Well lets look a little closer.

Now obviously Batmans origin has been told so many time with so many variations it would be impossible to have a completely straight record on how it went down but lets keep to the constants of what makes Batman, Batman. Young Bruce Wayne wants to go see a movie with his parents usually its the Mark of Zorro, after the movie they exit the theater they are confronted by a mugger generally consented to be a man named Joe Chill. Blam Blam Bruce's parents die and young Bruce swears vengeance. Some stories recount what happens when Joe Chill is finally confronted by Batman but there is no consensus on what happens. Bruce Wayne then goes on the training montage to end all montages to become the ultimate crime fighter: Batman.

We are shown that young Bruce Wayne fell into a cave and was accosted by bats developing a phobia of them. Then later his parents take him to see an opera I believe it was Die Fledermaus, there is a scene with a man in a bat costume Bruce gets scared and forces his parents to leave early. Once outside they are accosted by Joe Chill blam blam parents are dead young Bruce swears vengeance. Flash forward a couple of year Joe Chill gets off at trial by giving testimony on a mob boss Bruce goes to kill him some one else does first. Bruce Wayne then goes on to learn everything he can about the criminal under world before being taken in and trained by the league of shadows becoming: Baleman.

Now though similar it is fairly obvious that there are differences in the details of these two origins and perhaps you are thinking that it isn't a big deal. Well I think it is a big deal because these small differences create huge changes in the character in the long run at least in my opinion. Lets start with the first part of the origin the theater specifically what they went to see and why they left. In the first one they see a movie Bruce wanted to see and leave on its conclusion and their is usually some implication that Bruce begged to go see this movie. That means that when Bruce reflects on the event he sees that he's parents deaths were at least partially the product of his desire to see that movie. In a way this can be attributed as the reason that Batman as a character never seems to want very much for himself instead always focused on doing what is best for the greater good.

However in Balemans origin his parents take him to see Die Fledermaus and since most adults don't want to go to the opera we can assume it wasn't something he really wanted to see. Then because he got frightened they left the theater meaning that on reflection of the event he blames his fear for his parents death and indeed his denial of fear for himself is a theme in Batman the Dark Knight rises. This also means that though Baleman does have a goal he pursues he is not free of desire like Batman that means and that is why Baleman wanted to leave the life of being Baleman to settle down with Rachel and creates over all a much more selfish character then Batman.

Now lets take a look at the second part of the origin the death of the parents. Within the Batman mythos Joe Chill despite having both a name and a face is meant to represent the faceless nameless  darkness of all crime ever. When young Bruce Wayne swears vengeance it is not just against a man it is against everything that man stood for and he makes a solemn vow to do everything in his power to make sure that what happened to him never happens to any one again.

In Balemans origin he swears vengeance specifically against Joe Chill grows up tries to kill him fails then switches targets to organized crime not all crime like Batman just organized crime in Gotham. This is the reason he took an 8 year "break" in Rises it wasn't a break he retired because the Harvey Dent act effectively eliminated organized crime in Gotham so as far as Baleman was concerned he won. Baleman was never about patrolling the city and stopping any petty crime he saw he was also about taking down the mob using channels the police couldn't

Finally what he does to pursue his goal Batman uses his money to master multiple martial arts, gymnastic, forensic sciences, tracking, escape artistry, just to name a few. Baleman bums around with the lower class to learn about the criminal underworld then gets taken in a trained by the League of Shadows. So Baleman is a hell of a lot less competent then Batman, he is also less driven if he wasn't by chance or conspiracy offered the opportunity to train with the League then who knows what Baleman would have one once he finished wondering around. This also explain why Baleman has weaker morale's then Batman sure he didn't kill Ra's Al Ghul but he left him for dead which is something Batman would never do. Baleman did that because he lacks the all cosuming drive and dedication to justice that Batman has, Baleman has a singular finite goal he pursues but it is not everything to him he is willing to bend his own rules if it means he gets closer. Batman has an insurmountable goal and in order to remain pure and dedicated to it he never bends or breaks.

These small changes effect how Baleman acts through out the movie and in my mind helps me reconcile everything I see on screen that made me say. "That wasn't Batman." Yes it wasn't Batman because the character in Chris Nolans film is not Batman he is Baleman and that isn't a bad thing I think it enhances the movies once you look at it through this lens because you realize that nothing Baleman did was out of character for Baleman, the 8 year break, letting Ra's die, the fact that he really wasn't much of a detective. All of that I can now forgive because hey its a different character or if you prefer a different take on the character that is the greatest superhero ever Batman.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back with more D&D.

So I was out and about since last Friday but I am back, but I haven't started writing yet because I am working on some new creative projects. The first is as home brewed table top RPG and the other is learning how to edit videos. So until I get those wrapped up I am probably going to throw up some stuff a little different from what I have before this Friday I intend to write a review about Chris Nolans Batman trilogy. That being said check this shit out that is a home brewed prestige class for 3.5. Its a little over powered and is meant more for boss level npc's then for pc's.

Jake White,
A Story Teller.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blood Knight
I wound up working on this instead of doing any creative writing today a variant knight class for D&D 3.5 modeled after the Blood Knight trope. This class sacrifices the support a knight could provide for his team, and replaces it with violence. This is pretty lite as far as things go, so I mite post something tomorrow but don`t count on it I am pretty unreliable.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Friday, August 23, 2013

World Scar - Chapter 1 first draft complete
Sometimes you say you are going to do something then instead of doing that thing you spend the 4 hours you were going to do it re-watching the Justice League cartoon. I don't ask your forgiveness just your understanding.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Trenchcoat Chapter 2-first draft
So I never finished Worldscar chapter 1 but I plan to post chapter 2 this Friday so look forward to that sometime this week. I am sorry I didn't update over the weekend like I said I would I spent Saturday doing a M14 draft, and then Sunday I had other shit going on. Also I just kinda lazed out so for what its worth enjoy Trench Coat Chapter 2 now with 20% more swearing!

Jake White
A Story Teller

Friday, August 16, 2013

World Scar chapter- First half of the first draft

Hello all 8 people you apparently read my blog, good news bad news kinda thing going on here so lets start. Good news I just wrote the final college final I will write for a good long while! Bad news I spent to long studying and forgot about the update until 4 this afternoon. Good news I wrote something new and am posting it so you don't have to worry about a lack of an update! Bad news I only got about half of the chapter done. Good news I will spend some time this weekend writing and post the finished chapter either Saturday or Sunday! So yeah that is the situation sorry about this I make no guarantee it won't happen again but hey at least I am honest.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Unrealated but has anyone noticed the extra s in the url for the site it was supposed to be story teller tells instead its story tellers tells go me and my inability to spot that before I locked it in.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ol'Jack O' Bones'%20Jack%20O'%20Bones.wps
This is a poem I wrote a while ago that I am posting primarily because I haven't gotten around to writing anything new as of yet but I will do some work today and have something fresh for Friday.
Jake White
A Story Teller

Friday, August 9, 2013

Trenchcoat-first draft
This is another thing that is shorter then my stated goal, but I just wrote to what I thought would work as the end of the chapter so I guess that's fine. I drew a lot of inspiration from Jim Butchers Dresden Files series of books for this, but I hope as things progress the similarities start to fade away.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Last Enemy- 2nd Draft
And here is the second bit of editing I said I would get done. I will have something new for Friday so look forward to that folks.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Cowboy- Final/2nd draft
First of the promised edits will post the next one shortly, this is as good as I think I can get this. Hopefully it reads more enjoyable now.

Friday, August 2, 2013

World Scar Prologue-First Draft
So someone pointed out to me that the things I have posted are woefully unedited and it is ruining what may otherwise be enjoyable stories. I don't usually edit my stories, because I find it hard to resist the urge to just rewrite them completely and then I need to edit them again, so I guess part of my learning curve will be learning to be happy with what I write and accept the fact that it will never read as well as it does in my head. Practical upshot of this is that I am going to post edited versions of The Last Enemy and Cowboy on Tuesday so look forward to that early game cop out of doing actually writing. Also I am going to put into the tittle of the blog post whether or not what you are reading is a draft, and therefor unedited.

Anyway World Scar is my first major project its a fantasy work, and is my attempt to fuse action, world building, and politics together well with out losing focus on one for the other. You can look forward to my other big project next Friday it is called Trench-coat but that is just a placeholder tittle because somebody wears a trench-coat in it.  

Jake White
A Story Teller

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cowboy-First Draft
This is a story about a drunk cowboy, so good times! At this point I feel I should cement my planned update schedule I intend to update this blog Tuesdays and Fridays with about 6000 words worth of some kind of creative writing exercise a week. I have two main projects in mind, and will post the first chapter of one of them this coming Friday.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Take the Long Way Home-First Draft
There is a long story behind this tale centered around my disappointment in Silent Hill: Homecoming.  Its about an older brother returning home to see his younger brother, this is kind of a rough draft as I think it could read better then it does but I still like it.

The Last Enemy-First Draft
The above link is to the first story I have decided to post, its called the last enemy its about the last man on earth as he lies dying, its also pretty heavy handed in its message so good times.

First Post.

I find it questionable on whether or not any one will read this and this is more for self gratification then anything else, that being said I am going to be posting some of my writings up on this blog. Hopefully this will be a weekly thing were I post a chapter from one of my various novel projects or one of my short stories.
Jake White
A story teller.