Friday, August 16, 2013

World Scar chapter- First half of the first draft

Hello all 8 people you apparently read my blog, good news bad news kinda thing going on here so lets start. Good news I just wrote the final college final I will write for a good long while! Bad news I spent to long studying and forgot about the update until 4 this afternoon. Good news I wrote something new and am posting it so you don't have to worry about a lack of an update! Bad news I only got about half of the chapter done. Good news I will spend some time this weekend writing and post the finished chapter either Saturday or Sunday! So yeah that is the situation sorry about this I make no guarantee it won't happen again but hey at least I am honest.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Unrealated but has anyone noticed the extra s in the url for the site it was supposed to be story teller tells instead its story tellers tells go me and my inability to spot that before I locked it in.

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