Friday, August 2, 2013

World Scar Prologue-First Draft
So someone pointed out to me that the things I have posted are woefully unedited and it is ruining what may otherwise be enjoyable stories. I don't usually edit my stories, because I find it hard to resist the urge to just rewrite them completely and then I need to edit them again, so I guess part of my learning curve will be learning to be happy with what I write and accept the fact that it will never read as well as it does in my head. Practical upshot of this is that I am going to post edited versions of The Last Enemy and Cowboy on Tuesday so look forward to that early game cop out of doing actually writing. Also I am going to put into the tittle of the blog post whether or not what you are reading is a draft, and therefor unedited.

Anyway World Scar is my first major project its a fantasy work, and is my attempt to fuse action, world building, and politics together well with out losing focus on one for the other. You can look forward to my other big project next Friday it is called Trench-coat but that is just a placeholder tittle because somebody wears a trench-coat in it.  

Jake White
A Story Teller

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