Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blood Knight

I wound up working on this instead of doing any creative writing today a variant knight class for D&D 3.5 modeled after the Blood Knight trope. This class sacrifices the support a knight could provide for his team, and replaces it with violence. This is pretty lite as far as things go, so I mite post something tomorrow but don`t count on it I am pretty unreliable.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Friday, August 23, 2013

World Scar - Chapter 1 first draft complete

Sometimes you say you are going to do something then instead of doing that thing you spend the 4 hours you were going to do it re-watching the Justice League cartoon. I don't ask your forgiveness just your understanding.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Trenchcoat Chapter 2-first draft

So I never finished Worldscar chapter 1 but I plan to post chapter 2 this Friday so look forward to that sometime this week. I am sorry I didn't update over the weekend like I said I would I spent Saturday doing a M14 draft, and then Sunday I had other shit going on. Also I just kinda lazed out so for what its worth enjoy Trench Coat Chapter 2 now with 20% more swearing!

Jake White
A Story Teller

Friday, August 16, 2013

World Scar chapter- First half of the first draft

Hello all 8 people you apparently read my blog, good news bad news kinda thing going on here so lets start. Good news I just wrote the final college final I will write for a good long while! Bad news I spent to long studying and forgot about the update until 4 this afternoon. Good news I wrote something new and am posting it so you don't have to worry about a lack of an update! Bad news I only got about half of the chapter done. Good news I will spend some time this weekend writing and post the finished chapter either Saturday or Sunday! So yeah that is the situation sorry about this I make no guarantee it won't happen again but hey at least I am honest.


Jake White
A Story Teller

Unrealated but has anyone noticed the extra s in the url for the site it was supposed to be story teller tells instead its story tellers tells go me and my inability to spot that before I locked it in.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ol'Jack O' Bones

This is a poem I wrote a while ago that I am posting primarily because I haven't gotten around to writing anything new as of yet but I will do some work today and have something fresh for Friday.
Jake White
A Story Teller

Friday, August 9, 2013

Trenchcoat-first draft

This is another thing that is shorter then my stated goal, but I just wrote to what I thought would work as the end of the chapter so I guess that's fine. I drew a lot of inspiration from Jim Butchers Dresden Files series of books for this, but I hope as things progress the similarities start to fade away.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Last Enemy- 2nd Draft

And here is the second bit of editing I said I would get done. I will have something new for Friday so look forward to that folks.

Jake White
A Story Teller

Cowboy- Final/2nd draft

First of the promised edits will post the next one shortly, this is as good as I think I can get this. Hopefully it reads more enjoyable now.

Friday, August 2, 2013

World Scar Prologue-First Draft

So someone pointed out to me that the things I have posted are woefully unedited and it is ruining what may otherwise be enjoyable stories. I don't usually edit my stories, because I find it hard to resist the urge to just rewrite them completely and then I need to edit them again, so I guess part of my learning curve will be learning to be happy with what I write and accept the fact that it will never read as well as it does in my head. Practical upshot of this is that I am going to post edited versions of The Last Enemy and Cowboy on Tuesday so look forward to that early game cop out of doing actually writing. Also I am going to put into the tittle of the blog post whether or not what you are reading is a draft, and therefor unedited.

Anyway World Scar is my first major project its a fantasy work, and is my attempt to fuse action, world building, and politics together well with out losing focus on one for the other. You can look forward to my other big project next Friday it is called Trench-coat but that is just a placeholder tittle because somebody wears a trench-coat in it.  

Jake White
A Story Teller